Thursday, January 17, 2008 too late to say happy 08Current mood: adventurous
Category: Life
Even though this is supposed to be the first newsletter of the new year, I am writing it as though it is the last newsletter of the old year. I'll level with you, I'm still cleaning up 2007 and the way I see it, you can't really say that 2007 is over until the trash people make the first pick up of 2008 anyway.
2008 is gonna start with a flurry of activity from the man with three names, so hold on tight because I'm like those storms in the midwest wrapped up in a Muhammad Ali press conference multiplied times Dennis Miller's monologue on cocaine (except you might actually understand more than one of my references unlike the Dennis Miller onslaught):
First, I'm off to the land down under to start work on a record with/for this uber talented guy, Guy Sebastian. I'll be producing and writing and engineering and programming and playing and making coffee. My new year's resolution is to better multi-task, so I'm going at it hard because I'm sure I'll fizzle out sometime in early March.
After Oz, its Rockboat Time.
January 19- 24.
A cruise ship. A bunch of bands. 5 days of music. Meet and Greet. Gambling Lite. Work on a buzz. Get Off Ship. Repeat. Actually, the "repeat" comes later. Don't read ahead, just remember I told you so.
Then, Starring in this month's "Guess Who's Coming To New York City?", it's none other than...................drum roll, please........DRH. Yup, i'll bring my one-man-solo-acoustic-all ages-extravaganza to the Highline Ballroom January 26th at 7:30pm. I'm sure NYC is gonna feel cold after sailing the Carribean, so bring your crew, I'll need body heat.
After that, its "D.R.H. vs S.O.B." on January 27th.
Not down with acronyms?
Not down with O.P.P.?
okay, i'll break it down......David Ryan Harris will bring said solo acoustic extravaganza to Smith's Olde Bar in Atlanta, Georgia on January 27th, 2008 (only this time, it isn't all ages)
Tired yet?
Good, because next we have "David Ryan Harris Eats Ham".
That's right, I'm gonna burn up I-20 West so I can (quiet) storm Birmingham, AL. (and I love switching from 1st to 3rd person like a real crazy person). January 30th. All Ages. Workplay Theater. Birmingham, AL. Be there. Don't Mess This Up. There hasn't been a DRH show in Birmingham since the September when we were still hating on Katrina.
Now repeat step 2, only this time its The MayerCraft Carrier and it only lasts for 4 days. Feb 1-4. I'll play a set with my band (including JJ Johnson, Michael Chaves and Sean Hurley) Plus, for bonus points, I'll play with John Mayer in his band like three times or something. (bonus points=job security). Tickets/Cabins are still available. (
Now I'm getting a little tired.
Its a good thing that the next step in my flurry of activities is back to the time tested "sit your tired ass in a chair and play solo acoustic guitar again" format, because Feb 4-10 will find me (full of dramamine) aboard Cayamo, A five day floating singer-songwriter-y type cruise thing-y. I'll be there with artists like Lyle Lovett, Emmylou Harris, John Hiatt, Patty Griffin, Shawn Colvin and Brandi Carlile. I think I even get to keep my same cabin from the Mayercraft Carrier!
And guess what?
Tickets/Cabins are available for this too! (
After that......
I'll probably throw up.
What a way to start '08, huh?
see you soon.
Currently listening :
The Cool by Lupe Fiasco
Release date: By 18 December, 2007