Thursday, November 15, 2007
20 Questions with David Ryan Harris
Category: Quiz/Survey
1) What's the first album you remember buying? CD, tape, vinyl, or 8-track?
the first record i ever got was the Jackson 5's ABC. it came on the back of an Alphabits cereal box. The first record I ever bought was The Time
2) Who would we be surprised to find on your iPod?
Hank Williams Sr. maybe?
3) All time favorite line from a song?
"Words are trains for moving past what really has no name" (Paddy McAloon) Prefab Sprout, "Couldn't Bear To Be Special"
4) Why are you a musician?
because it is what i'm supposed to be. I think we all have (at least) one God given talent with which we are supposed to make a living and serve humanity. So for me, it was either "Musicain" or "Self-Taught Neuro Surgeon"
5) If you weren't a musician what would you be?
Probably a teacher of some sort. I have a thing for jobs that don't always pay very well
6) How did your family react when you told them you wanted to be a musician?
7) Most embarrassing moment on stage thus far (when/where)...
Crowd surfing in Huntsville, AL when i was in Follow For Now. I made it all the way to the back of the crowd , but hit an empty spot in the crowd, and thus, I hit the floor (mic in hand)
8) What is something about you that would surprise your fans?
I tend to put it all in my songs, or in my between song banter, so I can't imagine i could come up with anything really that surprising
9) Which line of your own do you wish you'd never written (or are proud that you did)?
Proud of:
You can try to turn your right cheek if you don't like getting involved, but a problem is still a problem and to turn your cheek will leave the problem unsolved.
10) What inspires you?
Human connection
11) Hidden talents?
12) Do you have any phobias?
Doorknobs in public restrooms gross me out
13) Bad habits?
Saying "yes"
14) If you could be a superhero what would your superhero name be and what
would your special power be?
to be able to make people tell the truth
15) Mac or PC?
People use PCs because they have to. People use MACs because they want to. MAC all the way
16) If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
I could eat the Yellowtail Jalapeno sashimi from Matsuhisa until i turn green, which given my complexion would take a long time
17) How do you define SUCCESS?
Being able to support yourself doing something that you love
18) What do you hope to have accomplished in the next year?
I hope to have elevated my profile as a writer/producer and to have written/produced something that sounds like I feel whether its for me or some other artist.
19) Name two things you simply have to do in your lifetime.
Sky and Scuba dive. Same day. Yongala, Australia. Great Barrier Reef
20) What's the best advice anyone's ever given you?
If you're gonna make music for a living, do it because you have to; not because you want to.
Source: The Hub