Sunday, August 12, 2007

DRH Wants to Play...FOR YOU!

A repost of the DRH/Tiff bulletin:

Aug 10, 2007 3:05 PM
Body: ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: David Ryan Harris
Date: Aug 10, 2007 2:57 PM


Happy Friday from DRH Headquarters. While I stew over the jealousy of DRH's recent aquisition (iPHONE!), I figured it would be a good time to let you all know of two huge things going down today in DRH world....

Go ahead and minimize this window. Go over and click on your iTunes link. If you don't have iTunes, you should either go to or just stop reading right now because I have no hope for you (but still have love for you). See that handy search box at the top of the music store? Type in "David Ryan Harris" and press enter. Lookie there. "The Bittersweet" is now available for you and all of your family, friends, enemies, pets, co-workers.. you get the idea... and our International Friends, don't think we forgot about you... the UK, Canada, Australia and Japan stores all have the album ready for you to purchase as well. It would be kind of sweet to rock the top 100 albums on iTunes with "The Bittersweet"... go download it now!

Now after hearing the CD, I'm sure you're wondering about the possibility of a tour, yes? Well... maybe is my answer. DRH would like to come play this beast for you is my answer. But DRH wants to come to YOU where YOU want him. We've got this delightful little tool on the myspace main page called Demand It where you can make your request for DRH to come play your city-- you never know, maybe he'll pack it up and come hit your town some time very soon! We don't know where you want him unless you get on it, so let us know. Feel free to send us a message after putting in your Demand It request on the main page to let us know of any tasty venues in your town... colleges, clubs, theaters, bring on the info! We'd love it.

And friends, would you do us a favor? Copy/paste this bad boy and repost it from your own myspace-- we need your help to spread the word about the album being available and the Demand It feature- tell your friends, post it everywhere, get it out there-- I want this to catch fire like those prisoners who make musicals and post them on You Tube.

-tiff at davidryanharris dot com
AOL Instant Messenger: DRHRepsTiff
Email: see above, then translate into email friendly language