4 Is Better Than Infinity
Back in the day (when I was a teenager, before I had status and before I had a pager) I bought a 4-Track Tascam Portastudio because I wanted to be able to demo the songs that I had in my head. In order for me to figure out how to operate the machine, I decided that I would record versions of other people’s songs so that I didn’t waste valuable time screwing my songs up until I got the hang of it. I did The Beatles “Tomorrow Never Knows” and “Baby, You’re A Rich Man”, Prince’s “Let’s Work”, Sly & The Family Stone’s “Just Like A Baby” and some others. I figured out how to do my thing by re-doing their thing and lets just say that the rest is Mystory. I loved you so Mr. Tascam.
Eventually, I got tired of all that track bouncing just so that I could get my Beach Boys background vocal thing on, and I just wanted more tracks… I bought an 8 Track (by then I wanted to get my Freddy Mercury on), got sick of that, and moved on to the digital multitrack ADAT (16 tracks on a VHS tape? really? weird, but whatever) and lastly/currently I moved up to what the big boys use… Pro Tools… oooooo… ahhhhh! More tracks than 279 fugitives running through the woods with blindfolds on. Does it make my songs any better? I think not. It made me soft. Lazy.
It’s like Nas says about 1 Mic… except I’m saying it about 4 Tracks. Anybody can make shit sound good with unlimited tracks (you Pro Tools sissy) but what can you do with only 4?
Fade to Black (silence…)
2007: Bitches, I’m back!
Enter, the new,sexy, sleek, and small Boss MicroBR, a digital 4 track that is just a little bit bigger than my Palm Treo.
Oh yeah, its on.
And here’s a cover song. Just like the old days. Hendrix’ “Spanish Castle Magic” (4MB MP3) recorded entirely on the MicroBR.
Fuck sexy, I’m bringing 4 track back.
Posted by gillsans· Apr 26, 2007 mp3, music
Source: http://goincase.com/blog/2007/04/26/4-is-better-than-infinity/#comments